IMEC / Imec Tower

The IMEC Tower will be located on a prominent site at the north eastern edge of the IMEC facility overlooking the gateway to both Leuven and the Arenberg Science Campus. The program will incorporate laboratories, offices and meeting facilities for over 400 staff members. The building will be both functional and symbolic, representing the meeting of ideas and people and the technology and innovation at work.

Following the new circulation strategy for Leuven set out by Bureau for Urbanism (BUUR) the IMEC Tower will mark the principal entrance to the campus and act as the door to the skybridge, which links the rest of the buildings.
We aimed to design a building that would link the existing IMEC buildings (through its orthogonal form), communicate with the nature of the work taking place inside the tower (through the design of its facade), create and activate a public area for the university and IMEC users (on the plaza) and create a gateway to the skybridge through the generous lobby.